Stories are vital in the philanthropic sector. Being able to tell your story of resilience, struggle, and strength is not easy, but it is especially difficult for marginalized individuals, including those in Muslim American communities. As non-dominate communities, not having diverse Muslim American stories believed can threaten our success physically and financially, particularly as… Read more »
Tag: Muslim Philanthropy Initiative
How can Islamic principles and history combined with innovative philanthropy address social inequities

Philanthropy is deeply ingrained in the foundational values of Islam. Sadaqah, or voluntary charity; zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam which mandates annual giving; and waqf, or endowment, are some of the key categories of Islamic charitable practices. Uthman ibn Affan, the third Caliph who ruled the Muslim empire and a close companion… Read more »
The powerful impact of research on philanthropy and civil society

The American Muslim community continues to grow, as do the number of American Muslim nonprofits. Knowing and understanding American Muslim philanthropy is important to developing and better serving American Muslim civil society and the larger American civil society. This is why the research from the Muslim Philanthropy Initiative (MPI) and other institutions is important. MPI… Read more »
American Muslim Philanthropy: A Spiritual Experience

As a nonprofit professional, I discovered that the world of fundraising and philanthropy is filled with stories of everyday people making positive changes in their community and establishing a legacy that transcends their own lives. The Muslim Philanthropy Initiative published a study on Motivations of Giving, which dives into reasons why American Muslims are philanthropically… Read more »
The Essence of Ramadan: Charity, Community Support & Spiritual Growth

In Islam, the act of giving back is highly emphasized, especially during Ramadan. The holy month emphasizes the importance of zakat (required almsgiving) and sadaqah (voluntary charity), highlighting the deep generosity within the Muslim faith (MPI,2023). Zakat, a fundamental aspect of Islam, demonstrates the religion’s organized method of giving to those in need, with the… Read more »